SELLING Snakebite Mix – Large

  • Seller mark The Green Treasuries
  • Creation date
Snakebite Mix – Large
Snakebite Mix – Large
Useful for counter Haemorrhagic, Nervous and muscular damage toxins.

Contains: Carbo Animalis, Lachesis, Naja, Phosphorus

Dosage: 2 pills or drops under tongue (or in mouth with animals) immediately, repeat every 10 minutes until relief is seen, then decreasingly.
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Overview Product specifications

Useful for counter Haemorrhagic, Nervous and muscular damage toxins.

Contains: Carbo Animalis, Lachesis, Naja, Phosphorus

Dosage: 2 pills or drops under tongue (or in mouth with animals) immediately, repeat every 10 minutes until relief is seen, then decreasingly.

Product Information

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Pricing information

Snakebite Mix – Large