Waste to Energy Sustainable Economic Development Hubs

Waste to Energy Sustainable Economic Development Hubs

Category 2


  • Australia


Sustainable Community Economic Development Hubs return power to the people!

Get a Waste to Energy Bio-Digestor system valued @ $240k plus, for your community, at no cost!
These units produce Bio-gas for heating or electricity production and high-value biological fertiliser (SuperNatural Biological Fertiliser) which restores degraded, compacted soils by re-vitalising soil biology. www.hartbioenergy.com.au.

How do we get involved?

By using, selling, buying and recommending the biological fertiliser initially supplied from existing Bio-Digestor systems, (processing animal, food, human and municipal waste). By combining their efforts with other groups, communities can rapidly finance their own local systems.

Each system produces ~ $2 million dollars pa. in cash flow, enabling new ventures such as hemp farming, clean food, natural health, off grid energy production and more, in addition to restoring polluted waterways and soil. Thereby opportunities expand for sustainable local jobs and wealth creation to benefit farmers, families, contractors and the entire community. As the fertiliser is restorative of the soil biology, it can assist farmers to transition into chemical free farming.

Think global, act local.
Going forward after recent social and economic turbulence, Self-sufficiency and Self-determination are vital. So too is innovation. As your group and other communities get involved, they will “earn” Waste to Energy systems in communities of their choosing, hence expanding the benefits to themselves, and others as the movement expands!
Incidentally, the model works well in urban communities, evidenced by the popularity of the Four Pines Brewery “Welcome to Brunswick” installation.

This project is already steaming along, with numerous applications in the planning process, so ‘join the queue’ asap, get ‘More Info’ by contacting the links attached.

Please see attached more detailed information re the various components including SuperNatural Biological Fertiliser (SNBF), Hemp, Clean Food for both people and livestock (tests show animals prefer pasture grown with the SNBF). Also for Natural Health, Off Grid Energy Generation and Storage, Hemp Batteries, Silicone Batteries, Structures, and please ask us for any and all other queries you may have!

Contacts: Mark Greathead BVSc 0417 247 800
The Founders will assist as long as required, prior to handing over to the locals.

Company detail

Intention One Earth Foundation
Is located in Sydney, Australia.