SELLING NO ADDINFO | Hemp Protein Amino Acids

  • Seller mark The Green Treasuries
  • Creation date
A simple, natural and inexpensive way to replace amino acid deficiencies is via hemp protein’s perfect amino acid spectrum.
NO ADDINFO | Hemp Protein Amino Acids
A simple, natural and inexpensive way to replace amino acid deficiencies is via hemp protein’s perfect amino acid spectrum.
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Everyone knows that when we lose salt in sweat, we get cramps, and similarly, if we become mineral deficient, we get bone problems such as osteoporosis, and that replacing these substances reverses these conditions.

Similarly, it appears that when protein and amino acids are lost in sweat, this results in health abnormalities / ‘Deficiency diseases’, AND that most if not all of these appear to be readily reversible via (like with salt replacement and muscle cramps) Natural Amino Acid replacement, with Hemp Protein.

It appears, based on a combination of published research (attached) and clinical trials (see Read More section below) with Hemp Protein has so far resulted in improvement in:

  • Heart problems
  • MS / Multiple Sclerosis
  • Cancer
  • Mental Emotional Bi Polar Depression
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Menopausal symptoms
  • Raised Cholesterol and blood abnormalities reverting to normal.

A simple, natural and inexpensive way to replace amino acid deficiencies is via hemp protein’s perfect amino acid spectrum. If you would like to add Hemp Protein to your daily diet and “Let your Food be your medicine”, as Hippocrates suggested, you could be very pleased.

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Hemp Protein Amino Acids
Hemp Protein Amino Acids
Out of stock! - AU$80.00