SELLING NO ADINFO | Fulvic Acid for Natural Veg Growing ‘Stimuliser’ (1kg)

  • Seller mark The Green Treasuries
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Faster growth, Less pest problems, Higher nutrients, Better taste, Lower costs, No chemicals.
Faster growth, Less pest problems, Higher nutrients, Better taste, Lower costs, No chemicals.
Fulvic Acid for Natural Veg Growing ‘Stimuliser’

Faster growth, Less pest problems, Higher nutrients, Better taste, Lower costs, No chemicals.

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Fulvic acid, a derivative of humic acid, is the fast track to optimal soil health, – a large part of which is soil microbiology. As this happens, plants reflect the better soil health.

This in turn is of vast importance to our health. Over time, our food is either making us healthy or it is making us toxic / sick. Put simply, chemical produced food, – meaning food produced via chemical fertilisers and pesticides, – loads our liver and other tissues with chemicals, which cause our organs and immune system to fail, resulting in disease.
This happens as follows; Chemical fertilisers kill the soil microbes, which results in a deficiency of minerals being solubilised ( soil microorganisms turn insoluble minerals in the soil, into plant-available minerals). As the plant is deprived of minerals, its immune function is diminished, like ours, hence pests attack it, requiring pesticide application. In this way, instead of being a source of nutrition, rich in minerals, our food becomes, literally, a slow poisoning process!

This applies similarly to meat and dairy.
Eating either organic or, better still, home grown food, does the opposite, ie our ‘food becomes our medicine’ as Hippocrates, the ancient Greek father of natural health care advocated. Hippocrates is also the originator of the Hippocratic oath, which doctors swear at their induction, as they commence ‘practicing medicine’. The oath is ‘ First, – Do No Harm’. Interestingly, allopathic doctors aka ‘GP’s, are taught zero re nutrition, hence they are unqualified to express opinions regarding such.

Price; 1L $26 (covers 3.3 HA), 4L $60 (covers ~ 12 HA)
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None of what is presented here has been approved by any agency, – government or otherwise, – for a variety of reasons. It is suggested that you trust yourself to take responsibility for your own health and destiny, – starting now.

All that is on this site is absolutely as it is represented, as well as being Sustainable and will do no harm.
If you believe that our administrators, aka government, are entirely dedicated to your / our best interests, – we say, we and others are doing all possible to effect that reality.

Doubtless, – the vast majority of public servants are decent people, – however the ‘system’ , as most of us intuitively know, is deeply flawed, and is the ‘vehicle’, through which much suffering and hardship is perpetrated on humanity, – and ‘its not ok’, – we trust you agree, – hence these words.

We refer the reader to the Research Docs section of this site, please see the document titled ‘government’.

Lastly, in the context of going live and linking this site with, it would be important and desirable, to put some easily recognisable icon to indicate that the products are or are not available. We wondered about the possibility of something like a ‘Add to Cart’ that either is or is not illuminated, – indicating the availability or otherwise of the product?

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Fulvic Acid for Natural Veg Growing ‘Stimuliser’ (1kg)
Out of stock! - AU$26.00